Thursday, July 12, 2007

Trellis structure

Again we have come with another innovative planting tip which is very important for every home gardeners who always strives for a healthy blooming fruitful garden.

Steps before positioning the trellis
There are different designs of trellis that can be ideal for your home garden. But selecting the ideal type of trellis depends on what type of plants will be climbing on it. While choosing the right design of trellis for your garden it is a better option to choose a strong trellis, which is also beautiful enough to embellish your garden. Trellises can be metallic wooden or of plastic like PVC pipe. Metallic posts are better than the wooden ones as they last long and doesn't get damaged easily. If you insist on wooden post it is better to layer it with a preservative. On top of the posts you can spread plastic or string net or chicken wire net. But chicken wire net has a disadvantage. Removing dead plants form chicken wire net can be a troublesome job. Long Bamboo poles can be used to climb pole beans

Some information on trellis structure
Plants should be trained to climb on trellises while they are small. Attach string on the plants and make them climb the trellis
Trellis structures should be located on the north side of the garden so that the other plants are not overshadowed.
It is better to use vertical trellis if there is a space problem.
Advantages and disadvantages of the trellis structure
Vegetables grown with the support of trellis are easier to pluck and don't get rot easily. It is because it has less contact with the soil.
Air is circulated more and it results in the healthy growth of the vegetables.
Trellises can also take care of your privacy by providing you a sort of screen from unwanted attention.
Also it can be a cool shade during the summer and give a relief from the scorching sun.
Growing plants on trellises are not without disadvantages.
Trellises should be strong enough for the windy places.
Plant that are not naturally climbers you need to train them so that they can climb the trellises.
Heavy fruit and vegetables will require more support while grown on trellises.
Thorough -watering is required for trellis-plants, as water is been absorbed quickly in this growth technique.
As trellis plants are more open to wind so it prevents pollination. So it affects the flower plants especially.

Gardening Of Fragrant Flowers

Some times there are so many things to be taken care of while designing a garden that we just overlook it. Just as the lushly greenery is quite rejuvenating to the mind and body similarly a heavenly scented garden is a solace to the heart after the struggling turmoil of the day.

Flowers are not the only source of fragrance though they are the most common one. Fragrance can also be found in roots, oils, leaves, stalks and even seeds. It is seen in general that fragrant flowers are not bright-colored. For a fragrant flower garden always select flowers that are having thick petals as their texture. Flowers like citrus, magnolia and gardenia are the best examples.

There is a wide variety in the degree of fragrance of the same flower. It differs due to the changes in temperature, moisture content in the atmosphere. The degree of the fragrance of the flowers also depends on the time of the day and the time period of the flower blooming. For example roses smell sweet in mild damp morning and the scent reaches at it ultimate height during the afternoon and by the night the fragrance of the roses ends up. The jasmine flower can be planted in terrace or below the window of your bedroom so that the sweet smell can soothe your soul.

The fragrance of the flowers is sometimes destroyed by the climatic conditions. Less water and scorching heat can hamper the sweet smell of the flowers. Scented garden are at its height when the air is gentle and the moisture content is high in the air. Frost and rain helps to bring out the suppressed fragrance of your garden.

While gardening fragrant flowers you can also sow other type of plants like trees, shrubs, vines and perennials. Here is a list of the fragrant flowers that can make your garden heavenly. The banana shrub, Japanese privet, fortune osmanthus, sweet osmanthus, gardenia, rose, confederate jasmine, and sweet viburnum, jessamine, citrus, gardenia, rose, sweet viburnum, confederate jasmine, butterfly bush, angel's trumpet, Japanese privet and orange jasmine frangipani, Arabian jasmine, lady of the night, gardenia, Japanese privet, crape jasmine, angel's trumpet, orange jasmine, citrus, rose and sweet viburnum.

You should always smell the flowers while buying so that you can get the fragrance of your desire.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Steps for growing trees and shrubs

1.For planting trees and shrubs in the garden dig the hole large enough so that the roots of the plant are settled inside the soil comfortably. The breadth of the hole of the tree should be half of the shrub roots diameter.
2.Mix the soil with some peat moss and fill the hole while planting the shrub in it.
3.If you are replacing the shrub from the container to the soil you should dig the hole 2 inches deeper than the roots of the plant. The soil that will be under the roots should be loosened up.
4.Put the shrub or tree from the container and put it in the hole. Fill the hole up with loose soil.
5.Then heap some loose soil around the newly sowed plant. This heap of loose soil will hold the water and help the plant to settle down deep-rooted in the new place.
6.While placing the shrub or tree in the hole hold the plant straight with a spading fork and then fill the hole with loose soil so that it is able to hold the roots tightly. The roots should be 2 inches deeper than it was in the pot before the transferring.
7.Water is the most important thing after the plant has being replanted. After replanting water your plant for 10 days consecutively if the weather is dry.
8.Trim the tree or shrub and give a shape and size of your choice. The branches should be cut above the bud in a slanting direction. In this type of trimming the shrubs repair the damage of cutting easily and grow quickly. Spray the trimmed areas with a special pruning spray as soon as the trimming is done to keep the insects and other harmful pests away.