Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Forget-Me-Nots are scientifcally known as
myosotis or "mouse ears" and one look at their
small blue petals and you'll know why.

But... how did they come to be known as forget-me-nots?

Legend has it that the name derives from medieval times,
when a knight and his lady were walking along the side of
a river. As the story goes, the knight picked a bouquet of flowers
for his love, but because of the weight of his armor he fell
headlong into the river. As he was drowning he threw the
bouquet to her and desperately shouted "Forget-me-not!"

Ever since, the flower has been associated with expressions
of undying affection between loved ones. Today, there are
about 50 known species of forget-me-nots. Most variations
fit the description of a light sky blue five-petaled flower that
blooms in spring, but other colors have since been developed
including white and pink.

Easy to grow from seed, they prefer a rich soil, but generally
don't mind overcrowding and are a favorite to grow in lightly
shady areas under large trees or in rock gardens ...

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