Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Nasturtiums are those spicy (and delicious!) plants
that will grow in any fair amount of sun and practically
any soil condition in a backyard, pot container or hanging basket.

The proper way to pronounce them is ne-STUR-shums,
- but no matter how you say it - they are the flower most
gardeners choose for areas in which most other plants
don't stand a chance.

Rugged, pretty, and very high in vitamin C, you can
have your nasturtiums and eat them, too. The peppery
flavor of its leaves & flowers are widely used in salads, soups and sauces.

Nasturtium's spicy character is also reported to ward
off some garden pests such as cucumber beetles,
although aphids may become a problem for nasturtiums
at the height of the season.

They only thing they will not tolerate is soggy soil -
so water sparingly - and look forward to blooming success
with nasturtiums all summer long...

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