Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Four O'Clocks

Four O'Clocks, as the name implies,
possess the curious habit of opening its blooms
in late afternoon, remaining open all through the night.

Four o'clocks planted in full sun are likely to do well
anywhere, although ideal conditions will naturally often
produce a healthier plant and many more blossoms!

Perhaps the real beauty of four o'clocks is that often their
delicate appearance belies their tough resistance to prolonged
drought & poor soil - along with a steely resolve against smoke,
fumes and other atmospheric pollution.

In country backyards, hummingbirds are often attracted to
the plant's long, tubular blossoms. It has also been reported
that the leaves of the four o'clock also irresistably draw
japanese beetles to them in a fatal attraction that poisons
the little garden pests.

Four o'clocks should be planted directly into the ground
in early spring. Although usually listed as an annual,
four o'clocks are very efficient about reseeding themselves,
and for all intents and purposes are perennials that don't need
replanting year after year ....

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