Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Morning glories


Morning glories are prized not only for their ease
of care, but for their incredibly rapid growth -
as much as 15-20 feet tall in practically no time at all...

As such, morning glories can often be seen climbing up
trellises, providing shade for country porches or decorating
chain link fences in town.

So called because their flowers open as the first rays of
sunshine appear over the horizon, the morning glory
belongs to the Convolvulaceae or sweet potato family.

However, families with young kids or pets should
be aware that morning glory seeds are considered
poisonous and may cause digestive upset, stupor,
hallucinations or even coma if enough are ingested.

Since seed coats are very, very tough, they should be
soaked overnight before planting. Pick a sunny spot in
prepared soil and plant about 1/2 inch deep and
12 inches apart. If no trellis or support is handy at
the time, you can plan on having to install one... very soon!

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