Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Growing Chrysanthemum Flowers

Chrysanthemum is among the most vibrant colored fall
perennial plants.
It can be of varied color type or size like white, pink, yellow,
bronze, salmon, orange, or red. These petals of the flower can
be either
single or in daisy form.

Tips on growing Chrysanthemum flowers

1.While buying chrysanthemums select plants having plenty flower buds.
2.It is better not to choose a fully bloomed plant, as their span of
blooming is shorter than the partially
blooming chrysanthemums.

3.Separate the branches from one another and sow the stems of
perennial flowers, which are having healthy roots.

4. The adequate soil of this fall flower is well-drained soil. You need
to add compost to the soil once a year.

Apply one-pound fertilizer per 100 square feet of chrysanthemum
bed during the growing time to have a full blooming garden
of chrysanthemums.

The fertilizer should be mixed within 6 inches
of the soil to have a healthy growth.

  • The flowers should be sowed 18 to 24 inches
    apart form each other.
  • The specific variety of chrysanthemum needs
    30 inches of spacing from one another.

  • After these fall perennial flowers are six
    inches long strip off one or two inches of the stem.
  • The practice of
    stripping off an inch of the stem should be continued
    till the beginning
    days of August.

    This is done to have bushy low plants. Don't do the
    stripping very late because then the stem will not
    be long enough for the blooming of
    fall chrysanthemums.

    Do thorough watering so that the roots evenly
    absorb the fertilizer.

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